Vietnam's agricultural base will more than double in size
2023-05-18 21:56:59 中国—东盟博览会



The Vietnamese government has set a target of expanding the size of the economy of the Mekong Delta, a key agricultural base of the country, by between 2 and 2.5 times by 2030, Vietnam News reported on Monday.

The Mekong Delta, home to a fifth of Vietnam"s population, is expected to grow 6.5-7 percent a year on average over the 2021-2030 period, according to the government"s action plan on socio-economic development in the region towards 2030 and vision to 2045.

The government is planning to pour 320 trillion Vietnamese dong (13.5 million U.S. dollars) into the region in the 2021-2025 period, up 23.3 percent over the 2016-20 period, said the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

An additional 140 trillion dong (5.9 million dollars) from the state budget will also be set aside for the development of the Mekong Delta, the ministry added.

The funds will be funneled into inter-provincial and inter-regional projects, including those on infrastructure and adaptation to climate change, especially routes connecting the region with the country"s southern economic hub Ho Chi Minh City and the Southeastern region, Vietnam News quoted Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung, as saying.

The Mekong Delta is the most important agricultural production area in Vietnam as the region grows half of the country"s rice output, supplies 90 percent of its annual rice exports, and is the source for most of Vietnam"s seafood exports, according to its Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

However, the Vietnamese Mekong Delta is recognized as one of the areas worldwide most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In recent years, drought and saline intrusion into the region have become increasingly serious.

Under the action plan, the government would invest a large sum of funds to battle flooding, land erosion, droughts, and saline intrusion in the region.

Source: Xinhua


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